Meet our 2020 Executive Board!

Suchy is from Orlando, Florida and transferred from the University of Florida to pursue a major in History at Penn. His research focuses on how Enlightenment thought and the emergence of capitalism impacted colonization, but he is always eager to discover the histories and literature of new cultures and time periods. Outside of being dedicated to the transfer community at Penn, he is involved with the Nominations and Elections Committee (Penn Student Government). In his free time, he loves hopelessly supporting his favorite sports teams, discovering new west coast hip-hop music, and spending quality time with his closest friends.
Alexa is a junior from the Philly suburbs majoring in cognitive science and minoring in English. She transferred as a sophomore from the University of Colorado Boulder. Besides TSO, she is a sports photo associate at the Daily Pennsylvanian, a member of Sigma Kappa sorority, and hosts a sick radio show with WQHS, Penn's student run radio station. When Alexa's not studying on the 4th floor of VP, you can find her watching movies, eating, and going to concerts in Philly. She really likes corn.

Dan is a Junior studying economics originally from Basking Ridge, NJ who spent his freshman year at Wake Forest University. Outside of TSO, he is on an investment team with the Wharton Investment & Trading Group, sings in the a Cappella group the Pennchants, and tutors through Penn’s Weingarten Learning Resources Center. After graduation, he plans to work at a private investment firm. In his spare time, Dan enjoys reading, basketball, classic films and guitar.
Deepti is a neuroscience major (formerly biological basis of behavior) and health services management minor originally from Doylestown, PA. She transferred after her freshman year from Penn State and has been loving living in a city. Outside of TSO, she is involved with research in the Adult Congenital Heart Center through Penn Medicine and CHOP as well as many global health initiatives across campus. She is also a part of Sargam, one of the many music groups at Penn. In the future, she hopes to earn an MD/MBA and become a practicing physician with a private practice. If you ever run into her, definitely stop and say hi, she loves meeting new people!

Becca, originally from outside Boston (GO PATS!!!), is a sophomore transfer from Villanova University. She studies Biology with a concentration in Mechanisms of Disease, as well as French, in the College of Arts and Sciences. Besides TSO, Becca is involved in Penn Club XCTF, tutoring in West Philadelphia with GEARUP, and research in a T cell immunotherapy lab. She also loves exploring the Philadelphia food scene in search of the best Philly Cheese Steak and petting any dog she can find. In the future, Becca hopes to earn a PhD and do drug discovery! TSO has been so supportive in her transition to Penn, and she is super excited to share what she has learned and meet all the incoming transfers at New Student Orientation this year :)
Anne is a junior majoring in anthropology and biology and minoring in chemistry. She transferred from Tulane University in New Orleans. She is a full-time foster at the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, a research assistant in the Biocultural Anthropology Methods Lab, a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, and on the deputies board of Penn V-Day. Outside of penn, she is known to babble about hot yoga, cold brew, and the best dog walking routes.

Patrick is a junior from Long Island, New York, and transferred from the College of William & Mary after his freshman year. He studies East Asian Languages & Civilizations, is on track to complete pre-med requirements, and also is a Science, Technology, & Society minor. Outside of TSO, he is Philanthropy Chair of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, does radiology research at HUP, and also engages in Mandarin social support volunteering at HUP. If he isn't in class or working at the lab, you can find him watching hoops or baseball with his friends. After Penn, Patrick intends to pursue a Master's in Chinese, go to medical school, and becoming a physician working with Chinese immigrants. He can't wait to meet you all during NSO!
Richard is a sophomore in the College majoring in Biological Basis of Behavior (BBB). He is a transfer student from the University of Washington and is originally from Seattle, WA. Outside of TSO, Richard is involved in Phi Delta Epsilon, West Philadelphia Tutoring Project, Penn Taekwondo, and more. He loves working out, especially Olympic Weightlifting and playing basketball, so you can count on seeing him around at Pottruck gym!

Lexi is a sophomore in the college majoring in economics and minoring in math and statistics. She transferred from UVA and is originally from Morristown, NJ. Outside of TSO, Lexi is involved in the Undergraduate Statistics Society, Penn Running Club, Mindbank Consulting, the Sports Research group, and is a member of Sigma Kappa. Lexi loves sports, and her favorite teams are the Devils, Giants, and Yankees. She is so excited to meet all the new transfers at NSO.
Libby is a junior studying English in the College of Arts and Sciences. She transferred from Northeastern University this past year and is so happy with her decision to come to Penn. At Penn she is involved in a SPEC music group called Jazz and Grooves, which puts on concerts near Penn with upcoming artists. She also writes for the Penn Appetit magazine at Penn, which is a group that creates a magazine and other content all about food. Last, but certainly not least, she is a member of the Transfer Student Organization (the best organization on Penn's campus btw).

Thomas is a sophomore from Chesapeake, Virginia studying Health & Societies while taking the pre-med courses. He transferred from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. Besides being the Co-VP of Finance and Fundraising for the TSO, he does Pathology Research at CHOP,. is on the Undergraduate Assembly as the New Student Transfer Representative, and writes for UnEarthed at Penn. In his free time, Thomas enjoys playing FIFA with friends, watching Brooklyn 99, and grabbing a spicy chicken brown rice bowl from Houston Hall.
Sarah is a sophomore in the College studying Biological Basis of Behavior (Neuroscience) and minoring in Chemistry. She lives in Bergen County, NJ (15 mins from NYC!), and transferred from Emory University after her freshman year. Outside of TSO, Sarah is a tutor with the Penn Undergraduates for Refugee Empowerment, a volunteer at HUP, and a research assistant in a lab where she is studying neurocognitive disorders. When she's not studying in Huntsman Hall, you can find her chilling in coffee shops around Philly, Yelping restaurants, and tagging her friends in Facebook memes.

Sonia is a transfer from NYU, and although she thinks that New York is a better city, she accepts Philadelphia and likes Penn. She is a Design major and a Sustainability minor. On campus, she works on design for Penn Appetit, writes for T-art, and swims (slowly) on the Club Swim team. She enjoys artistic things, outdoorsy things, and music things. She made this website!
Maddie is a sophomore studying Psychology with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. She transferred from Boston College but originally grew up in the Philly suburbs and is happy to be back! Outside of TSO, she tutors high schoolers at the African Family Health Organization in West Philly and is an active member in Penn Democrats. You can often find her sitting in Saxby’s pretending to do work, exploring the city with friends to find cool new places to eat and enjoy, or shamelessly scrolling through TikTok. She is excited to welcome all of the new transfers at NSO in the Fall!

Julia is a sophomore in the College, considering majoring in Astrophysics or something similar. She transferred from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, and is originally from Trumbull, CT. Outside of TSO, she is a member of TableTalk, a writer for 34th Street magazine, and the co-creator of the Penn Astronomical Student Association (PASA). When she's not working, she loves to write and read science fiction novels and play Queen songs on piano. She's also obsessed with coffee, tea, and watching The Office.