Incoming transfers are placed into Gutmann, Gregory, Mayer, Du Bois, or one of the three high rise college houses, Rodin, Harnwell, or Harrison. Most students will end up in a high rise! Students are required to live on campus for their first year.
Click here for more information about the housing process from Penn Residential Services.
Live with other transfers on a floor in Rodin, one of the high rises! Incoming and returning transfer students may live on this floor. Immediately be immersed in the Penn community with neighbors who have shared experiences! The TLC is a community that enhances the transfer student experience through fun and creative ways.
Note that Mayer Hall is technically not its own college house; it is a part of Stouffer College House, and is called Stouffer-Mayer. Stouffer-Stouffer is across the street from Stouffer-Mayer, and the two share events and a building government.
Full apartment with kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom
Large living room and plenty of space—probably the most spacious of the transfer dorms
Relatively quiet hallmates
Hall activities almost every night
Lots of free food
Very supportive faculty, staff, GAs, RAs
​Double (shared) bedroom (although some people have gotten the apartment to themselves; this cannot be guaranteed)
Next to a fraternity
You need to make an effort to find community and get out of your apartment (this happens in almost every upperclass residence, however)
Many activities are in the Stouffer-Stouffer building at night, which is a walk across the street
Gregory is also split into two buildings. Transfers are generally placed into the Class of 1925 Building.
Lots of Community Events = Lots of Free Food
Single Rooms for Everyone
Lots of study areas, great for group study or group projects
Free Cafe - open to Gregory students at certain times, you can ask them to make you basically anything
Lots of Transfer Students live in Gregory - make a lot of close friends immediately
Movie Theater, Game Room, and Yoga Studio all available for use
40th St - right on the edge of campus, farthest dorm
It is kind of far from Physics, Chemistry and Music Departments
Two buildings - so a lot of the events are split between buildings
Only four floors, no chance of a view of Philly
Across from Frat/Sorority Houses - it can get a little loud during rush week
Gutmann, previously known as New College House West (NCHW), is on 40th Street and houses about 430 residents. It is Penn's newest and nicest dorm, which means it's somewhat competitive to get. Look at photos and a guide from the DP.
All rooms are suite-style and you'll live in a single, guaranteed
Nice views
Newest facilities— great bathrooms, fitness rooms, etc.
Right across from popular off-campus food places
Nice study areas
Cafe West (where you can use dining dollars) in the building
Communal floor kitchens instead of personal suite kitchens
Is the furthest west dorm, so far from Engineering Quad, but a generally negligible difference
One laundry room instead of laundry rooms on every other floor
High Rises
Harrison, Harnwell, and Rodin are 24-floor dorm buildings called the high rises. All three high rises are physically similar, but have different cultures and programming. For more on what goes on at each college house, follow the links below.
You have the option of either having your own room or sharing a room (which is cheaper)
Nice views
Study lounges on all 24 floors, in addition to a nice rooftop lounge and lobby study areas
It has the fastest elevators out of the high rises
Most rooms have kitchens and common rooms
There is lots of free food from events
It feels more like living in an apartment than a dorm room
Laundry is on every other floor (even floors) and trash chutes are on every floor
Less of a strong community feeling and more apartment-style
There can be long waits for the elevator/very crowded elevators before popular class times
The walls are relatively thin
It gets hot when they transition from AC to heat in the fall
Apartments with all singles are more expensive than lots of other options
Harnwell: Harrison: Rodin:
Penn has plenty of dining options - some good and some bad, depending on who you ask. Regardless, you'll become well acquainted with them, as all transfers are required to buy dining plans. The dining plans range from plans with 250 swipes and $100 dining dollars a semester to plans with 10 swipes and $875 dining dollars a semester. Many people prefer plans that have more dining dollars! Try to take into account how much you plan on eating out or cooking for yourself if you choose Mayer Hall, for example, which has a kitchen in each room.
A list of dining plan options can be found on Campus Express.
A list of all places to buy food can be found here.