2023 Board

New York University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Manhattan, NY
Majors: Biology & Political Science (Chemistry Minor & Pre-Med Track)
Involved In: Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity, Research Peer Advising, Penn American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative, PHINS, Amnesty at Penn, & Cardiothoracic Surgery Research at Penn Medici
Fun Fact: Joyce was a competitive horse-back rider!
Fordham University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Westchester, NY
Major: Nursing
Involved In: Student Nurses at Penn (SNAP), Community Champions (Family Connects @ CHOP), Penn Nursing Peer Advisor & Sigma Kappa Sorority
Fun Fact: Shannon Irish step danced growing up!

University of California, San Diego (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Los Gatos, CA
Majors: Mathematics & Urban Studies
Involved In: Arts House Dance Company, Kite & Key, & Williams Cafe
Fun Fact: Joanna has double-joined feet!

University of Michigan (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Springfield, OH
Majors: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics & Statistics
Involved In: Penn Ping Pong, Kite & Key, Muslim Student Association, DISC, Wharton Undergrads in Public Policy, Greek Life
Fun Fact: Amin is a top-notch ping pong player and a licensed pilot!
Georgetown University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Chatham, NJ
Majors: Economics (Minor in Mathematics)
Involved In: We Can Swim, Penn Tabletop, Penn Quiz Bowl
Fun Fact: Luka has ridden the world's longest zipline!

Emory University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: New York City, NY
Majors: Biology & Cinema and Media Studies (Pre-Med Track)
Involved In: Service Link, Penn Records, Kite & Key, The Wharton Undergraduate Media & Entertainment Group, & The Daily Pennsylvanian
Fun Fact: Miette has kayaked the Prince William Sound in Alaska!

Boston College (Junior Transfer)
Hometown: Huntingdon Valley, PA
Major: Political Science (Minor in Journalistic Writing)
Involved In: The Daily Pennsylvanian, American Red Cross Club, PennDM, Penn Policy Consulting
Fun Fact: Riane has four dogs and one cat!

Macalester College (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Major: Biology (Pre-Med Track)
Involved In: Club Swim & Penn Records
Fun Fact: Emilia has been kicked by three seals!

Irvine Valley College (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Irvine, CA & Seoul, South Korea
Major: Marketing & OID (Wharton) (Minor in Design)
Involved In: MUSE, KUBS, KSA, & Greek Life
Fun Fact: Jaein's name was supposed to be spelled "Jane" but the person at the passport office messed up!

Santa Clara University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Major: Psychology (CAS) & Management (Wharton)
Involved In: Kite and Key Society, Penn Appetit, TEDxPenn, & Matriculate
Fun Fact: Cosette's family has a tamale shop!

Villanova University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Westchester, NY
Major: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
Involved In: The Undergraduate Assembly, Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, & The Daily Pennsylvanian
Fun Fact: Mackenzie loves to watch Formula One!
Dartmouth College (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Doylestown, PA
Major: Neuroscience (Minor in English)
Involved In: Penn Neuroscience Society & University of Pennsylvania Outdoors Club
Fun Fact: Jillian is currently writing a book!

Duke University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Warren, NJ
Major: Healthcare Management & Finance (Wharton)
Involved In: Wharton Undergrad Consulting Club, Wharton Undergrad Healthcare Consulting, & Penn Band
Fun Fact: Aneesh spent a summer beekeeping and never got stung!
Boise State University (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Major: Neuroscience (Minor in Chemistry; on Pre-Med Track)
Involved In: MERT, Penn Neuroscience Society, & Research
Fun Fact: Mikeely loves to surf & has a dog named Turtle!

University of Texas at Austin (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Austin, TX
Major: Undeclared
Involved In: Penn Undergraduates for Refugee Empowerment, Penn Sustainability Consulting, Penn Impact Investing, Wharton Undergraduate AgriBusiness Club, & Club Tennis
Fun Fact: David has backpacked through Europe solo!

University of California, Santa Barbara (Sophomore Transfer)
Hometown: Fort Washington, PA
Major: Political Science (Minor in Environmental Studies)
Involved In: The Daily Pennsylvanian, Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, the Nominations and Elections Committee, & the West Philadelphia Tutoring Project
Fun Fact: Maddie has been featured in the news in Sweden!